Thursday, December 10, 2009

seo guru | seo expert | professional seo

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization – commonly abbreviated to SEO – is the process whereby a web site, or more specifically a web page or document, is constructed or amended in such a way as to improve its placement in the search engine results pages or SERPs. Search engine optimization should not be seen as an end in itself. It is a function that should be Undertaken to improve the overall commercial performance of a web site.

Good search engine optimization will ensure that a page appears higher in the search

engine results for a range of relevant, specific and valuable search terms or queries. The simple objective of SEO is to generate more valuable web site traffic. The achievement of a higher ranking against relevant search terms has commercial value for a web site because it will attract more traffic than a lower ranking. In an increasingly crowded online environment, search engine optimization is therefore a crucial online marketing discipline.

Natural/Organic : the real search results. The results that most users are looking for and which take up most of the window. For most searches, the search engine displays a long list of links to sites with content which is related to the word you search for. These results are ranked according to how relevant and important they are.

Paid : Pure advertising. This is how the search engines make their money. Advertisers pay the search engines to display their ad whenever someone searches for a word which is related to their product or services. these ads look similar to the natural search results, but are normally labeled "Sponsored Links", and normally take up a smaller portion of the window.

A inclusive search engine optimization project is divided into four organized layers.

· The Analyze Layer

· The Optimize Layer

· The Develop Layer

· The Promote Layer

The Analyzer Layer : The Analyzer Layer contains two parts: keywords and competition. Both play an equally important part in discovering what needs to be on your website to rank # 1 on the major search engines.

Ø Getting the Right Keywords is Everything

Ø Analyzing Backlinks

Ø Analyzing the seo best practices of your competitors

The Optimize Layer : Optimization involves using the right keywords, in the right locations, and in the right densities. it also involves creating source code that is intuitive to the search engine robots. in other words, only displaying what you want them to see by hiding programming and formatting as much as possible.

Ø Linking to external websites

Ø The design Phase : Finding the best css template

Ø Explaining the title and Meta tag Guidelines

Ø Keyword Density Explained

Ø The robots.txt File

Ø Using Google sitemap Technology

Ø Testing the site for css and html corrections

Ø performing Broken links tests

The Develop Layer : Developing your websites is both for your visitors and for the search engines. it pleases the visitors to have fresh content to read and interact with and is a good reference point for up-to-update information. Development impresses the search engines, because it increases your keyword densities, heightens your relevancy, and provides a continuum of fresh content for the web crawlers to gobble up.

The Most Effective ways to Develop Your site for Seo

Ø Automating Your Google sitemap

Ø Explainging RSS

Ø The power of Blogs and Web Forums

Ø Installing and Affiliate System

Ø Installing web analytics


Ø and Dynamic Content

Ø Developing Your Project Proposal (Requirements)

The promote Layer : Regardless of how wonderful you have done on the first three layers, your website may still be isolated from the rest of the web if you don't spend any time on this last extremely important layer. The promote layer is about developing a strategy to drive a continuum of traffic to your website.

Ø A Quick Review of Page Rank

Ø Develop a Strategy

Ø Start with the Basics

Ø Pay the Piper - sign up for Directories

Ø Post where your competitors Don't

Ø Allow others to sell for you

Ø Send our press Releases at least once per Month

Ø Purchase text links

Ø 4 principles of link bying

Ø E-mail Marketing

Ø Advertising offline

Ø Recap

What to avoid in SEO :

· Keyword Stuffing

· Cloaking

· Doorway Sites

· Throwaway sites

· Mirror Sites

· Hidden Text

· Tiny Text

· Link Spamming

· Comment Spam

Keyword Stuffing :

Keyword stuffing is the technique of excessively using lots of keywords with express intention of influencing the search engines. Quite often this use appears in an incomprehensible or ungrammatical manner. Keyword stuffing is often used in conjunction with other spamming techniques such as cloaking, doorway sites, hidden text and tiny text.


Cloaking is the technique whereby the web site visible to a site visitor is entirely different from that seen by a search engine spider. The ordinary user may see one set of text and images but underneath that image, or “cloak”, the site is “stuffed” with keywords. By examining the cache of a cloaked site on the Google search results, we can see that the site shows entirely different information to the spider, from that shown to the human eye.

Doorway Sites :

A doorway site is a site that acts as a referring page for another site. The doorway page is highly optimised – containing hidden links and keywords that the ordinary web user never sees. The doorway site then climbs the search engine rankings but re-directs all of its traffic to the target – and perhaps poorly optimised site.

Throwaway Sites :

Throwaway sites are almost always doorway sites. They are web sites built by spammers to provide a short-term and artificial boost to traffic. Once their traffic objectives are achieved they are often switched off or left to decay – hence throwaway. Throwaway sites are stuffed with links and keywords to attract and then re-direct traffic to a target web site. Typically, the spammers retain ownership of the throwaway domain. The spammers’ clients initially receive large amounts of traffic. But once the throwaway site is switched off – or thrown away – the traffic comes to an abrupt halt and the clients business suffers. The clients are then effectively blackmailed into spending vast sums to retain traffic. The target web site receives no long term ranking benefits.

Mirror Sites :

Mirror sites use an alternative URL to the target site but contain identical content. With automated page production, there maybe hundreds of different URLs all with the same content. This technique is sometimes referred to as domain duplication.

Hidden Text :

The technique here is to fill or “stuff” a page with keywords invisible to the naked eye. This is done by using the same colour for text as for the background page. This technique is sometimes referred to as WOW, short for white on white.

Tiny Text :

Tiny text is a technique of using very small text that is barely visible to the human eye. This text can be read by the engines. However, the engines will also attribute this text as spam.

Link Spamming :

In many respects, due to the increasing influence of links, it was inevitable that link spamming would become an issue. Spamming of links has been a growing problem as many people have realised the importance that Google, in particular, places on links. As a significant issue it raised its head in April 2005 when Google’s new release appeared to ban one of the leading SEO firms from its rankings. Few people outside of Google and the SEO firm concerned are entirely sure why this is the case. But the industry consensus is that Google are cracking down on web sites and organisations that accumulate vast numbers of irrelevant links with the sole intention of climbing the rankings.

Comment Spam

Related to link spamming is comment spam. Comment spam is where a spammer visits a publicly accessible site and deposits a comment with an anchor text link back to a designated site. Forums and blogs are typical target. This activity became identified as a major problem in January 2005 when Google took steps to prevent it from the blogs of The reason was that spammers working for so called PPC (Pills, Porn and Casino) web sites were trawling legitimate blogs and posting uninvited comment advertisements with their web site’s anchor text. Blogs were vulnerable because they typically possess a comment section that can be accessed without the need for passwords or even registration.

Its enough for today further details I will tell you my Next blog.

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